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Discipleship Continues Amidst War in Israel

After much prayer and seeking God’s plan during these difficult times, the leadership of Lech L’cha (a 3-month residential discipleship programme for young people) decided to go ahead by faith, and start a Spring Discipleship Program. 18 young believers signed up – 14 girls and 4 guys. They are excited and expectant for what God has for them during this time. The resounding prayer request from all these young people: to fully commit, to strengthen their walk with the Lord, and to hear God’s will for their future.

Please remember them in your prayers. Many are just out of their compulsory national service in the army; some have served an extended time, and in reserves as a result of Iron Swords. They have experienced and witnessed atrocities of war first hand, many have a close friend or relative who has died or has been seriously injured as a result of October 7 and the ensuing war. “We have equipped ourselves especially to bless and minister to them where they are,” shared Lech L’cha. “As well as direction from God about their next steps, they are also in need of times of healing, refreshing and encouragement from the Lord”

Meet the Team

“In addition to the Pastors, teachers, and lecturers on the program,” shared Lech L’cha, “we are so grateful for our full-time staff, who are equipped and eager to sow into these young lives. We are thankful to God for a full time cook, who is able to make nutritional, healthy, delicious meals for the team, participants and volunteers (that’s at least 30 mouths to feed) Rolan has accepted the call to this ministry with Lech L’cha having been trained in the army during Iron Swords and her resume includes experience in producing one thousand meals a day.

“Along with the Lech L’cha full time staff, we have a team of young leaders joining. They are graduates of the previous Discipleship Programme, and have accepted the call to sow into the next Course. They bring a new level of excitement, eagerness and energy to the leadership team. They are also actually continuing their own Discipleship journey as they put their giftings and service in practice with Lech L’cha.”

“Thank you for your Support. Now, more than ever, we value your support for Lech L’cha and for what God is doing in Israel. There is so much negativity in the media, and these are difficult times. But ultimately we look to God and trust him. We need the same faith as Abraham when God called him to ‘Lech L’cha’ - to Go Forth!


for the staff and students of Lech L’cha as they equip a new generation to serve the Lord.


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