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8 Modern Day Candles


In Israel today, the followers of Yeshua (Jesus) are shining their light to the people around them - being a beacon of love, hope and peace. We want to celebrate some of the amazing ministries we work with in Israel - each one dedicated to being a witness to God’s miraculous presence.

Pray for the Body of Messiah to grow in Israel among Jewish and Arab communities.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill them with everything they need to live out the Kingdom, especially in these difficult times.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Matthew 5:16



Back in 2005, Andre and Bozena, the founders of Helping Hands Coalition were preparing the movie premier event of a film they had been working on about the life of a Holocaust Survivor. When the invitations, sent out to the community of Holocaust survivors living in Israel, were being turned down, Andre and Bozena were shocked to discover that it was because they couldn’t afford the bus fare. This experience was a turning point for Andre and Bozena as they dedicated themselves from that point to ministering to this forgotten group of very special elderly people. In addition to tackling the poverty issue, they were determined to bring dignity and love into the lives of these heroes while there was still time.


HHC distributes financial assistance, supermarket vouchers, food bags, winter essentials like blankets, electric heaters to Holocaust Survivors all over Israel


HHC mobilizes volunteer optometrists to visit community centres to provide Holocaust Survivors with new glasses. Other medical aids including wheelchairs, crutches and walking sticks are distributed to those in need.


With loneliness and the sense of being forgotten being one of the big issues to address, HHC have established ‘Shalom Home’Events. These very special gatherings bring Holocaust Survivors from all over the land together to the HHC villa in Ceasarea to shower them with love and respect. YPMP has had the honour to attend and serve at several of these meetings and can testify to the incredible effect they have on the wellbeing of the Survivors who come. From the moment the coach drops them off at the door HHC staff and volunteers do everything in their power to make their visitors feel as welcome and special as possible. For a few hours the emotional and physical pain in their everyday lives is washed away and they experience a little bit of heaven. Talented musicians set the scene with beautiful life-filled music - this often breaks into dancing as the joy overflows. There are times of sharing both by HHC and the Holocaust Survivors who love the opportunity to be able to tell their story. Often, HHC facilitates Christians from overseas to come and meet the Holocaust Survivors and share something with them. This is especially poignant when they are German Christians who have discovered that Grandparents were involved with the Nazis during the second world war. The sharing of repentance and forgiveness expressed brings healing to the overseas visitors and to the Holocaust Survivors. Every Shalom Home event involves food which is always beautifully presented as a way of making the Survivors feel special and loved. The attention to detail is amazing and is so worthwhile when you witness the smiling faces of the Survivors

Pray for the Holocaust Survivors living in Israel.

Pray for the Shalom Home events that the love of God permeates every area of the gathering and touches their hearts.

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16



Birthed out of a Jerusalem based 24/7 prayer ministry, Dor Haba’s passion is to raise up worshippers from among Messianic Jewish and Christian Arab young people for a new generation. Every summer Dor Haba runs a camp for teenagers bringing Jewish and Arab teens together to build friendships across cultural divides while enjoying workshops on singing, song-writing, instruments, videography and photography, drama and dance. The connections and friendships forged will shape the Body of Messiah in Israel for years to come. These bonds are especially important during times of national crisis when these young people can demonstrate a better way: loving one another as brothers and sisters no matter what is going on around them.

During the year, Dor Haba runs smaller gatherings in various places around Israel and also some in the West Bank among Palestinian young people - bringing Jewish and Arab teens together to bless and encourage each other.


In addition to building bridges between Jewish and Arab Believers, there are so many testimonies from these annual camps of teens and young people re-dedicating their lives to the Lord or coming to faith for the first time.


Dor Haba encourages the young people they work with to write new worship songs. Local songs that speak to the hearts of the people. They are professionally recorded and shared with the Body of Messiah in Israel to facilitate indigenous worship.


Dor Haba mentors young children and youth in regular times of prayer and worship. YPMP was so inspired to see young kids running an hour long worship watch!

Pray for the work of Dor Haba as they build bridges between Jewish and Arab young people. Pray for these friendships to remain strong in these difficult times.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore. Psalm 133



HOPE House of Prayer in Nazareth was pioneered by Rania to train up Arab young people and Arab women as intercessors for God’s purposes in the Land. Rania is also instrumental in bringing Arab and Jewish Believers together for prayer and prophetic events.

Just over a year ago, Hope moved into new premises after outgrowing their previous location. From their new home Hope run regular prayer watches, conferences and training in prayer and healing.

Rania is a prophetic voice in Israel and speaks around the world.


An ancient prophesy in the book of Isaiah is mobilising an unlikely partnership of intercessors across the Middle East.

According to Isaiah, there would be a time when Egypt, Assyria and Israel would be worshipping together, travelling freely between each others nations and being a blessing to each other and the whole earth. Inspired by these words, intercessors from Israel, Egypt and Assyria (located within modern day Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey), along with representatives from other Middle Eastern nations, have been meeting together for several years now to pray for the salvation of their nations, for reconciliation between their peoples and for a spiritual connection that would grow and mature.

Houses of Prayer have been springing up throughout the region. A highway of worship to the one true God is being built. As wars and uprisings tear ancient civilizations apart, God is raising up a spiritual army to praise his name, proclaim his word and call his Kingdom into being.

Pray for these Isaiah 19 Highway Houses of Prayer. Pray for the gatherings when intercessors from all over the Middle East can come together to pray for each other and their region. Pray for a breaking down of walls and true heart to heart connections. Pray for the building of a Highway of Worship between Egypt, Assyria and Israel!

Pray for Rania and Hope as they intercede for God’s Kingdom in Israel & the whole Middle East.

Pray for the Isaiah Highway Houses of Prayer throughout

the Middle East.

Pray that the spiritual tide of hate, murder and fear will be turned back by the strong right arm of Adonai Elohim Tsevaot - the Lord God of Hosts.

Pray that a spiritual tide of peace, reconciliation and love will flood the world, invading the hearts and minds of all who dwell on earth. Deliver us from evil and may Your Kingdom come and increase!

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria... Isaiah19:23



When young Israeli Believers returned from a discipleship course overseas they wondered why they had to go overseas to study the Bible and work in English, a foreign language. Lech L’cha was birthed out of a desire to provide something locally in Hebrew where young people could come to immerse themselves in God’s word, in their own language, in the Land of the Bible.

Lech L’cha run 3-month Discipleship Programs, young adults weekend Conferences, and Mission outreaches to the Nations.

“Lech L’cha” (translated: “Go forth!”) the words God spoke to Abraham when He commanded Abraham to leave his home and go to Canaan (Gen. 12:1), and again when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac (Gen. 22:2). These words also remind us of the commandment Yeshua (Jesus) gave His disciples, saying: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matt. 28:19). “Lech L’cha” is therefore His commission to us all, to follow HIM.

Lech L’cha’s mission is to make disciples who make disciples and multiply.

They equip young Israeli Believers for life and ministry (in whatever vocation they may be called to) while keeping Yeshua at the centre of all they do.

“We aim to help them become fully grounded in the Word of God and equip them for their own daily bible study; to learn to live the life of a disciple of Yeshua, which is also expressed in the lifestyle of evangelism; to be equipped for service in their local congregations, according to the gifting God has given them and His calling in their lives, and to grow as servants of the Lord.”

“Lech L’cha was an invaluable experience for me at a very shaky time in my faith. I needed a serious pause after the army in order to be immersed in the Word and around strong believers all seeking the same fellowship and common desire: to know Yeshua. As a group it was fantastic to dedicate time together to grow as a team and individually in our faiths, encouraging one another. For me, it was Psalm 1 in action: delighting in God’s law and meditating on it day and night, like a tree firmly planted by streams of water. Lech L’cha for me represented coming to the water to receive biblical teaching, prayer, and worship in order to grow strong roots, building my faith on a firm foundation." — Miriam

“Changed my life, I fell in love with God...”​ — Daria

Pray for Lech L’cha as they build strong faith foundations in the young Believers.

Pray faith grows deep roots in these young people and they will be vessels for God to use for His Kingdom in Israel.

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. Psalm 1:1-2



Adonai Roi is a Messianic Jewish Hebrew speaking Congregation based in Tel Aviv. ‘Adonai Roi’ is Hebrew for ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’. It was founded by Avi and Chaya Mizrachi in the summer of 1996 with a few people meeting in a private home. As the Lord added to their numbers, the small group grew and into vibrant congregation

in central Tel Aviv.


"Messianic congregations are faith communities that stress the Jewish context of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. Messianic congregations often employ Jewish forms of worship, use Hebrew in their liturgy and stress the connection of Messiah to the Hebrew Scriptures. By enlisting as many of the features of the synagogue as are consistent with the Messiah’s teaching, Messianic congregations provide a familiar environment for Jewish believers and seekers, many of whom are intimidated, confused, or simply uncomfortable among the trappings of Christian churches.

"Messianic Jewish families often turn to Messianic congregations because they help children understand what it means to be a Jewish believer in the Messiah, and help kids feel linked to a faith community larger than their immediate family. It would be easy for Jewish children to become disconnected from their Jewish heritage in a Christian church.

"Messianic congregations also emphasize the celebration of the Jewish festivals, which often become an event for members of the wider Jewish community who do not know Messiah. These outreaches allow Jewish believers to talk with their fellow Jews and answer their questions about how a person can believe in Messiah Jesus and still be Jewish. Connection with Jewish life through their Messianic congregations helps ease

such concerns." - from

Pray they are places of real community and connections for Jewish Believers.

Pray for their witness to the wider Jewish community

...the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Romans 9:4



During a visit to his sister in America, Avi was very surprised to discover that she had become a follower of Jesus. During the visit, Avi heard the Gospel for himself and decided to give his life to Yeshua, the Messiah. He was determined to return to Israel to share the good news with his fellow Israelis. After attending a Bible School in America , he returned to Israel to preach the Gospel.

Today, under the umbrella of Dugit Ministries the Gospel is being shared through a coffee shop in the centre of Tel Aviv and a foodbank/clothing distribution centre. Many are welcome to come and freely ask questions about Yeshua/Jesus and see for themselves that Messiah has come!


Avi shared with us recently that he had bought a wardrobe from Ikea. It was too big for him to put up alone so he had paid for Ikea’s assembling service. When the delivery arrived the man sent to help assemble it was an Arab Muslim. Despite all the trouble going on between Israel and Gaza, the men : a Jew and a Muslim, enjoyed pleasant conversation and built the wardrobe successfully. When they had finished Avi said, “You know, this situation that is going on, its not what is written in the Torah, in the Jewish scriptures.” The Muslim man agreed that neither did the Koran teach this. Avi then told him that there is a wonderful prophet called Yeshua/Jesus and he taught us to love one another. Here was a Jewish person sharing the Gospel with a Muslim person in the midst of a situation of war. In the end, Avi gave him some literature in Arabic and also a DVD of the Gospel of Matthew. The Arab man was delighted to receive the gift and thanked Avi.

Avi was able to tell him that God loves him and if he has any questions to feel free to call, He left so happy that he was able to hear that there is hope for a better way.

“In the midst of all this craziness, the harvest is ready,” shared Avi, “and there is a real opportunity to reach out with the hope of the Gospel .”

Pray for opportunities to share the Hope of the Gospel with those in despair.

Pray for divine appointments and dreams and visions of Jesus.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6



Growing up in Israel, immersed in the Hebrew language, Ayala is using her gift of language to help translate the Bible into languages that do not yet have their own translation. After training with Wycliffe Bible Translators she was deployed to the Philippines where she has been working with local translation groups as an advisor

and Hebrew expert.

A few weeks ago, Ayala returned to Israel to get married. She is now working on future plans with her new husband to continue to serve as a translation consultant.

Pray for Ayala and her local translation teams as they persevere to bring an accurate translation of the Bible to people groups that have never seen the Bible in their own language.

Pray for Ayala as she settles into her new married life.

Praise God, for her gift of translation and her heart to help minority language groups with their own Bible versions.

Pray for the word of God to go out in more languages as a light to the world.

I will also make you a light to the nations — so that all the world may be saved. Isaiah 49


We hope you are as excited an encouraged as we are to stand with these modern day candles - shining the light of Messiah in so many different ways. Light overcoming darkness. Keep them in your prayers!

Thank you for journeying with us this year - we love sharing the stories of what God is

doing in Israel.



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