It’s our heart to see God’s Kingdom grow in Israel and to that end, we want to share with you the stories and testimonies of Jewish and Arab believers in the Land who are involved in doing just that - working together, praying together, outreaching together and growing together.
Please browse through the articles, read the stories, hear the hearts, pray for the Body and become part of what God’s doing in Israel today!

Arab and Jewish followers of Jesus are breaking through political and cultural divides and working together to transform their nation with the love of God! Through Pastor's conferences, Youth Events, Women's meetings, Prayer Events, Outreaches and more, walls are coming down, friendships developed and testimonies forged.

50 years ago there were only a handful of Congregations in Israel - today, there are over 150 local, indigenous Congregations, Home Fellowships and Prayer Centres. God is building His temple of 'living stones'. Alongside Congregations, discipleship ministries and training centres are equipping the local Believers to be salt and light in Israel.

God has raised up locals with hearts of love and compassion that are bringing help and dignity to those in need. There is an especially small window of opportunity to care for Israel's aging Holocaust Survivors. With roughly 1 in 3 living in poverty, and with an average age of 85, projects that help practically and combat loneliness are essential.

Director of Lech L'cha
“We at L'ch L'cha Discipleship ministry are so blessed by the faithful support and prayers of Your People My People.
Over the years more than 300 young adults have gone through the program and we have seen their lives changed as they grow closer to God and go on to bear fruit in their lives. Thank you, Your people my People for being a big part."
“The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labour.”
1 Corinthian 3:18
Director of Dor Haba
"Thank you so much for standing with Dor Haba (Rising Generation) Ministries and sowing into the next generation of Jewish and Arab worship leaders, intercessors, musicians, and songwriters in the land.
A warm hello and thank you also from all the children and teenagers who are leading weekly prayer and worship sets at Succat Hallel, our 24/7 House of Prayer in Jerusalem - thank you for encouraging them to stand on the wall in prayer as young watchmen on the walls (Isaiah 62:6)."
Director of Shalom Houses
“Through the work we are doing in Israel, Survivors of the Holocaust are learning that there are people worldwide who love the God of Israel and His People, and through whom His Word of creating “beauty for ashes” is fulfilled.
Because of your help and support, we are able to create an atmosphere of love, joy, and happiness for the survivors during Shalom House events. Before going home, the survivors cannot stop speaking words of gratitude for the time spent together.
On behalf of Helping Hand Coalition, representing the survivors of the Holocaust here in Israel, I would like to thank you all for blessing us with spiritual and financial support. ”